Hangul: 이재인
Meslek: Oyuncu
Doğum Tarihi: 6 Şubat 2004
Doğum Yeri: Wonju, Gangwon, Güney Kore
Boy: -
Kilo: -
Burcu: Kova
Eğitimi: -
Kan Grubu: -
Lee Jae-In’in kendisinden küçük bir kız kardeşi vardır.
Instagram: @2jane_221b
Lee Jae-In Filmleri
High Five (-)
Season of You and Me (-)
Heaven: To the Land of Happiness (2021)
Hard Hit (2021)
Our Body (2019)
The Battle: Roar to Victory (2019)
Svaha: The Sixth Finger (2019)
Adulthood (2018)
I Can Speak (2017)
Horror Stories III (2016)
No Tears for the Dead (2014)
Futureless Things (2014)
Happiness for Sale (2013)
Lee Jae-In Dizileri
Concrete Market (-, -)
Night Has Come (Viki, 2023)
Racket Boys (SBS, 2021)
Undercover (JTBC, 2021)
Hospital Playlist (tvN, 2019)
Beautiful World (JTBC, 2019)
Six Flying Dragons (SBS, 2015-2016)
Who Are You: School 2015 (KBS2, 2015)
Modern Farmer (SBS, 2014)
TV Novel: Samsaengi (KBS2, 2013)
Family (KBS2, 2012-2013)
Quiz from God 3 (OCN, 2012)
Ice Adonis (tvN, 2012)
Lee Jae-In TV Filmleri
Push and Out of Prison (tvN, 2018)
The Final Puzzle (KBS2, 2014)
2019 55. BaekSang Sanat Ödülleri: En İyi Yeni Kadın Oyuncu ("Svaha: The Sixth Finger")